Comprehensive Services Geriatric

These organizations offer a wide variety of mental health and support services for senior citizens.

A Hope and A Future helps individuals and families seeking to respond more effectively to painful life experiences by providing life skills groups and community
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When you need care and extra attention for your mental health, contact us. We provide the comprehensive inpatient and outpatient services you need.
Serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s veterans “to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.”
The SMART Center is a treatment, training, and research center within the community and across the state. Accepting virtual and in person visits.
We serve two full meals a day, offer clothing to the homeless, and provide nightly chapel services, counseling, a discipleship program, and lodging.
If a child is exhibiting behavioral issues, poor grades, skipping school, fighting, or making poor choices we can help.
Love Doesn’t Hurt helps to provide assistance to victims of Domestic & Sexual Violence in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community to provide emergency shelter, transportation, food, clothing and relocation for those in Shelby County area.
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Led by certified peer recovery specialists, here is where people with mental health and disorders can find peer support and engage in recreational activities
Shelby County, Tennessee Homeless Drop-In Center. We minister to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of men who are homeless, addicted, and in crisis.